March 2024
Our Department is very excited to announce that two (2) Posts voted in February 2024, to start Auxiliaries!
Kilchis Tillamook Bay Post 2848, District 3 Commander Donavan Goff
Charles W. Lingard Post 966, District 4 Commander Jerry Law
They are now activity recruiting 15 NEW members. If you know anyone interested in joining an Auxiliary in the Tillamook or Brookings areas, please let me know. Anyone wishing to transfer may do so at the institution of the new Auxiliary, but you do not count as one of the NEW fifteen members.
REVITALIZATION: Auxiliary Presidents you can find all the Healthy Auxiliary tools on MALTA under Resources, Extension & Revitalization Program. The tools are there to help your Auxiliary get healthy.
Remember The Red Flag Warnings to start a conversation in your Auxiliary about what you need to keep our Auxiliary healthy. I call your attention to two new questions on this year's Extension & Revitalization Program Year-End Report.
1) When was the last time you voted in a new member? You can only be healthy if you recruit new members every year. Voting in a new member does not end with their initiation, it only begins. Mentor your new members so they bond with your Auxiliary. Get them involved with working with you to serve Veterans, their families and our active-duty troops. WE ARE the Veteran family members and Veterans helping Veterans and family members and we can only help if we stay strong. New members make us strong!
2) Who in your Auxiliary is exceptional at keeping your Auxiliary Healthy? Who’s the glue in your Auxiliary? Who is fun and motivating in your Auxiliary? Who can call on you to help with an event and you can’t say no. Send me their name. Under this Extension & Revitalization Program I do not see 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place Auxiliaries. This year is the time to recognize the "glue” in your Auxiliary.
Remember your Year-End Reports are due to Department Chairman by April 5, 2024. An Extension & Revitalization Year-End Report is with this message.





AUXILIARY # __________________                                  DISTRICT # ___________________

MEMBERSHIP AS OF JUNE 30, 2023 _______________



1)      Did you utilize any Extension & Revitalization materials/resources available in MALTA member resources?  (Circle your answer)                    Yes / No


Check the resources your Auxiliary used:

·         Healthy Auxiliary Checklist                                                          _____

·         Healthy Auxiliary Member Questionnaire                                    _____

·         Auxiliary Meeting Clinic                                                              _____

·         Communication, Phone/Text Tree                                                _____

·         Good Job Certificate                                                                     _____

·         Healthy Auxiliary Certificate                                                        _____

·         VFW Auxiliary Mentoring Guide                                                 _____

·         Online Auxiliary Academy                                                           _____

·         Other ____________________________________                    _____


2)      Did your Auxiliary contact the Chief of Staff for help, suggestions and direction for a Auxiliary/member issues?  (Circle your answer)       Yes / No

How many times?      _____ 


3)      When was the last time you voted in a new member?            Date: _____________


4)      Does your Auxiliary print out a copy of Building on the Auxiliary Foundation to use as a resource?  (Circle your answer)                           Yes / No


5)      Who in your Auxiliary is exceptional at keeping your Auxiliary Healthy?


                        Name: ___________________________________