Janie Wills (PDP)
6903 Indiana Street
Vancouver, WA 98664
JULY 2024

Greetings, as a new year begins for our programs.


It is summertime, but it is not to soon to start considering how to help our youth. Schools will be opening for next year and a lot of students will not have the funds to purchase necessary supplies. Have your auxiliary consider donating school supplies or money to help meet the needs of our young people.


 Get involved with our youth. There are church groups, soccer, baseball, Scouts, Boys and Girl Clubs, and many other youth groups. Be a volunteer for these groups. Teach them about Patriotism, Flag etiquette , and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


 Hand out R.A.P cards for jobs well done. R.A.P cards are available in resources pages in activities on your Malta account. Go to and sign up.


 Focusing our attention on our youth, is vital in order for them to appreciate our history and our veterans’ sacrifices. Our youth today are our leaders for tomorrow, our soldiers of tomorrow, our teachers, and doctors, and yes even Auxiliary members.

Remember to report all that you do!


Looking forward to working with all of you. I am here if you have any questions.

Take care and stay safe.