
Debra Duggan

PO Box 143

Richland, OR 97870



Hello Brothers and Sisters,

Wow my year as your Department President got here faster than I thought it would. I am excited to be your President. Department Convention was fast and furious. Good fun, good information and a lot of important business. We did have an outstanding number of First Timers at this Convention. We did pass three (3) Resolutions during a business session. These are sent to National Auxiliary Headquarters and once signed we will distribute the information to everyone.


I would like to introduce you to the 2024-2025 Department of Oregon Line Officers. They all have been elected and installed. It was awesome to see Candidates running for the same position. They were all excellent candidates.

President — Deb Duggan

Sr. Vice President — Denise Keeton

Jr. Vice President — Terri Steller

Treasurer — Sonya Sallee

Secretary — Valorie Wrinkle

Chaplain — Robin Stoner

Conductor — Tracy Bogard

Guard — Kathy McCauley

Chief of Staff — Debbie (Cookie) Little Patriotic Instructor — Sue Miller


I want to tell you about my special project:


v  Creating Memories for Disabled Children. You can read more about it at .


v  My joint project with Commander Andrea Summerlin is the Centennial Statue at the National Home for their 100th Birthday this year.


I will have flyers and more information at the academies and on the website.

Upcoming events that are happening soon:

v  July 13, 2024 Training Academy in Richland, OR

v  July 25-August 3, 2024 National Convention in Louisville, KY

v  August 17, 2024 Training Academy in Sweet Home, OR

v  August 24, 2024 Training Academy in Winston, OR

v  October 1-3, 2024 National President Brenda Bryant's visit

I am looking forward to working with the Department of Oregon Auxiliaries, District Auxiliaries and with all our Department and National Line Officers. We are all here to help and guide you. Please contact anyone of the above officers. I know I am a distance from many of you but I am here to help in any way I can I look forward to visiting the different Auxiliaries throughout the year.


Oregon is shining brightly and our goal is to continue the shine in the upcoming year with each and every one of you right there with me We can do this TOGETHER.