Greetings Brothers and Sisters,
We are well on our way into fall, and we will soon be into
the holiday season. The holidays are an
excellent way to reach out to our veterans, active duty and their
families. When we take part in dinners,
bazaars, parades, etc., we are working our programs. Healthy auxiliaries are program workers, they
are known in the community and always there to help. Reach out today.
Our first virtual training event was a success. Thank you to each of you that took part. Our first training was on the position of
Guard, their duties and responsibilities. The questions and comments gave all of us who took part some mentoring
moments. I have attached the slide
presentation to this article.
Topics for October are the duties and responsibilities of
Conductor and Program Chairmen. Trainings
will be held Tuesday, October 15th at 4:00 p.m. and Monday, October
28th at 8:00 p.m. I look
forward to seeing you on one of those dates. If you are not on the invitation list from last month, please send me an
email so I can add you.
Also attached to this article is the Healthy Auxiliary
worksheet. If you did not attend a
training academy or have not received one at a District meeting, please
download the form, complete and return it to me. You can snail mail or email it to me. It is important that we use this measurement
tool on the health of our auxiliaries. You can send it anonymously if you wish, but please put your auxiliary number
on the form.
"The delicate balance of mentoring someone is not creating
them in your own image but giving them the opportunity to create themselves.”
Steven Spielberg