Megan E. Malpass
PO Box 987
Winston, OR 97496
Dear Oregon Auxiliary Family,
Thank you for your time and work from last month’s article and training academies.
 Attention! Attention! This month on Monday the 23rd , our VFW Legislative Representatives PDC Dennis Guthrie, State Legislative Chairman, and Anthony Barber, National Legislative Committee Chairman, will be providing testimony at our Capitol. This is an informal hearing of the Oregon Senate Interim Committee on Veterans, Emergency Management, and Federal and World Affairs. The VFW Dept of Oregon will be presenting a potential State Bill to parallel H.R. 1139 GUARD Act. Recall that the GUARD Act is only introduced (March 2023) at the federal level and is to fine/penalize entities (i.e. Claims Sharks) soliciting and profiting from the filing of any VA Benefit claims. This activity has elevated significantly since the passing of the PACT Act.
 Eight States have passed similar laws with more States considering. I encourage you to attend in uniform, with cap, to support them. You will not be able to speak but will serve as support and witness. Estimated time is at 3:15P on the First floor in Room E. Plan your time range to be 2:30-5:00P with additional prior for parking, security and finding the room. Please spread the word and attend.
Let’s now review H.R. 41 VA Same-Day Scheduling Act. This would require the VA to schedule an appointment for the enrolled Veteran during that phone call. This was introduced January of last year and has had no activity since that April. There are only 67 cosponsors, and NONE from Oregon. I can attest as a registered care advocate for my husband, calling to schedule an appointment for him (at his request), that we would get a call back. It was days or longer, and to him despite his request for me to arrange it.
Read, write, send by email or post, call our Representatives and Senators. Spread the word to you families and communities- especially local legislative figures. Communicate with your Post Members. Log and report it.