Debi Duggan
PO Box 143
Richland, OR 97870
April 2024
 Greetings Brothers and Sisters



Here it is April already.  I am thankful to have been your chairman for this wonderful program. Our year is winding down for the Program year but DON’T stop reporting. The Program year for 2024-2025 starts immediately and we do not want to forget what we are doing for our Veterans. Please continue to do your reporting. You can send to the current chairman and they will forward your reports on to the next year’s chairman of that Program. The new incoming chairman are gathering their information and getting ready to present you, their Program. 



I want to thank everyone for the fabulous reports you have done and all the wonderful things you are doing to support our Veterans. 



Looking forward to all the wonderful things you will be doing in the next year to continue to support and help our veterans. God Bless each one of you

