Colleen Salsberry
1745 Division Street
Camas, WA 98607
 Greetings Auxiliary Family,


My name is Colleen, and will be serving as your Outreach Chairman this year.


Outreach is unlike our other programs. It is designed to not only assist other organizations, but also builds a lasting bond with the VFW Auxiliary.


While we are volunteering, it gives us a great opportunity to show who we are, and what we do. Please share information about our other programs that may attract eligible new members! (have an application available)


With that I would like to share a few tips to get you started…

• Find organizations that need your help.

• Vote on the activity at your meeting.

• One or more Auxiliary member must participate.

• Wear your VFW Auxiliary attire (name badge, shirt, hat, jacket, etc.)

•Report the number of hours volunteered


The biggest thing to remember is that we do not help with monetary contributions, we give something far more valuable, our time.


Please remember to report monthly.


 If you are unsure if you have reported to the right program, no worries! I will make sure it gets to the right program chairman.
