Tracy Bogard
PO Box 453
Lake Oswego, OR  97034
Greetings Sisters and Brothers,
It is my pleasure to be your VFWA Oregon Department Chairman for Veteran and Family Support. I encourage you to open the National Program book (Found in Malta, under Resources) and read all the programs the National Ambassadors have written.
There are many under the Veterans and Family Support Program.
1. National Veteran and Family Services (NVS) - Over 300 VFW service officers throughout the Network assist Veterans with the Veterans Affairs System for free. The service officers recover more than $1 Billion annually in VA Benefits owed to our Veterans and their families. Donations sent to National help with yearly training for our State Service Officers to ensure they are accredited and updated on the latest information on Disability Compensation, Rehabilitation and Educational Programs, Pension and Death Benefits, and Employment and Training Programs for all Veterans.
2. Department of Oregon VFW Service Office (VSO) VFW Oregon Department Service Officers are trained experts, helping veterans develop their case by reviewing and applying current law, pertinent legislation, regulations, and medical histories. As skilled professionals, they assist in filing for disability compensation, rehabilitation and education programs, pension and death benefits, and employment and training programs. They won’t hesitate to request hearings before the VA and the Board of Veterans Appeals to present oral arguments when needed. Donations help them to continue the amazing work they do.
3. The VFW Veterans and Military Support Program contains several programs for active duty and recently discharged Military. Contributions at the National Level go to each program below. This year over 4000 National Guard Soldiers will be deployed overseas. If you have not adopted a Unit, please contact me and I will get you in touch with an Oregon NG Unit.
a. Military Assistance Program (MAP) funds help Post and Auxiliaries to assist local military units with financial assistance for sponsoring morale-boosting sendoffs, homecomings, family BBQs, and Christmas Parties. Units must be Adopted by a Post and/or Auxiliary before writing a MAP grant. MAP grants will also help cover the cost of postage for care packages.
b. Unmet Needs funds provide peace of mind to the soldier while being deployed when unexpected financial issues arise back home, a grant for $1500.00, payable to a creditor to help bridge a gap may be applied for by a family member or the service member.
c. SportsClips "Help a Hero” Scholarship helps veterans who were E-5 or below with an education scholarship up to $5000.00 per semester.
4. Veteran and Military Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Prevention. Connect our veterans and service members in crisis with the Veterans Crisis Line. Educate yourself and others on the warning signs of suicide. Put the crisis line contacts in your cell phone. Work with your local counties and hold an educational class on how to know the signs of when someone is struggling. Anyone can call the hotline. Example: A family member is concerned with the signs a veteran is displaying. They can call and report their concerns. A professional will contact the veteran and help them through the crisis. They will help them produce a life-saving plan. Sometimes it is just knowing someone cares enough to help, that can help a person snap out of the thoughts.
Veterans Crisis Line 24/7 365 days a year
• Call 1800 MyVA211 to access all VA department.
• Call 988 and Press 1
• Chat online at • Send a text message to 838255
Change the Stigma improve research support your community and explore options at the following resources:
• VFW Mental Wellness Campaign
• The Campaign to Change Direction
• Give An Hour
• Patients Like Me
• One Mind
• The Elizbeth Dole Foundation
• Help Heal Veterans (Therapeutic Craft Kits)
     o • Veterans Voices Writing Project o
2024-2025 Program Award
Awards for Auxiliaries
1. Most outstanding activity and/or event to increase awareness of suicide and mental health for Veterans, Military, and their families.
     a. Citation and $25.00 to one VFW Auxiliary in each of the 10 Program Divisions that host the most outstanding activity and or event to increase awareness of suicide and mental health for veterans, military, and their families. The entry form that is required is available in MALTA Member Resources. Forms must be sent to the Oregon Department Veteran and Family Support Chairman by March 31, 2025.
Awards for Department

     1. $25.00 VFW Store gift certificate to one Department Veterans and Family Support Chairman in each of the 10 Program Divisions for the best promotion of awareness of suicide and mental health for veterans, military, and their families.
     2. $25.00 VFW Store gift certificate to one Department Veterans and Family Support Chairman in each of the 10 Program Divisions for the most outstanding activity and/or event to increase the support of veterans, active-duty service members, and their families.
     3. The Outstanding Performance Award and Second-Place Outstanding Performance Award will be awarded in each of the 10 program Divisions based on the criteria listed on Page 5 and for the promotion of the Program goals list at the top of Page 51.
This program requires 100% of the Department to Report. Please make sure you are sending in your reports monthly. Please read our monthly newsletters on the VFWA State Website. A contest will be posted before our VFWA State Midwinter conference. A schedule of Zoom calls starting after our August Training Academy will be posted as well.
I look forward to having a great and successful year. I can be reached by phone or email.
Letter of Introduction 
 Hello, My name is Tracy Bogard. Madam President Deb Duggan asked me to be the Veteran and Family Support Chairman for the Department of Oregon.
I joined VFW Auxiliary 1324 in 2012, qualifying under the combat service of my oldest brother Ron who was in the NAVY. In 2015, I recruited members and started Lawrence Alberti VFWA 12140. I am a Charter Life Member and Past President (2015-2017) of Lawrence Alberti VFWA 12140. I am the VFWA 12140 Secretary and Chaplain, the District 15 Secretary, and the Department Conductor. Since 2012,
 I have held the following Department of Oregon Chairmanships –
•Department Chairman for Youth Activities (2014-2015),
• Department Chairman for Scholarship (2015-2016 & 2020-2021),
• Department Chairman for Membership Assistant (2017-2018),
• Department Chairman for Legislative (2021-2022).
• Department Chairman for Membership (2022-2023)
• Department Chairman for Mentoring for Leadership (2023-2024)
I feel it is important that VFWA members learn and practice all leadership roles and programs of our organization. I stay on top of current updates and work to share that knowledge with our brothers and sisters wherever I go. I travel around the State helping with recruitment booths, information booths, and events, working with everyone to see how they understand and use the current information.
For 2024-2025 the State is deploying over 3000 soldiers from our National Guard. I have been working closely with the National Guard to ensure these Units are Adopted so that we can support them and their families during yellow ribbon events and deployment.
I have assembled a packet for the auxiliaries with all the tools they need to be successful in the Veteran and Family Support Program. I am working with the VFW Post State VMS chairman on a PowerPoint presentation to share at the Training Academies in August. I will be providing a monthly Zoom meeting for everyone to share ideas that are working. I created a list of all Oregon Units that have been adopted reaching out to see if assistance is needed.
All Department Chairman put together an article for our Department Website every month starting in July. I will send you a copy of those articles each month.
I have attached a copy of my article for the Department Program Book, My Yearend report template.
I look forward to having a great and successful year. I can be reached by phone or email.