Sonya Sallee
Treasurer -

I have been retired for the last 8 years.  Worked as a nurse for the Department of Corrections for 27 years.  I like helping our Veterans, working on Diamond Art and spending time with my family and friends.


I am single but I spend a lot of time with my family and enjoying watching my grand niece grow up.


I belong to Let’er Buck Auxiliary #922. I joined the Auxiliary in March, 1972 when I was 16 years old.  I never changed auxiliaries through my whole life, even when I moved to different places I stayed with the one auxiliary.  I had some wonderful mentors through the years.


My parents were very active in the Post and Auxiliary all the time I was growing up.  I even served coffee at the Cowboy Breakfast when I was 6 years old so it was only natural when I turned 16 to become a member and to help all my veterans.


I have been Department President, Department Treasurer, National Color Bearer and I am currently National Council member representing Oregon and Washington.  I have been Department Chairman for many of our programs and have won national awards for them.


I have many "whys” that I became a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary. The first of course was my dad, he was in the Navy in WWII and he worked for veterans all the time after he got home.  I wanted to help him do good things for people and I am sure that I have continued to help the veterans.  My brother was also veteran in the Navy in Vietnam. My nephew that we lost two years ago was also a veteran.  My life is full of people that have given a lot in service to and I will continue to help until I can’t any longer.